Hi, i’m Val

A Coach, Energy worker and Circle facilitator for women who want to nurture their inner wisdom, start living more authentically and thrive in doing so.  

I’m passionate about working with women who know that there is more to life than what meets the eye, who are ready to move forward in their full authentic expression of themselves. 

My mission is to contribute to the web of support every woman needs for her integral well being. My deepest yearning is that in generations to come all women will live in a way that aligns to their desires and needs; and that we will have the information and tools that our foremothers were deprived of. 

Originally trained in Law and working as an international legal consultant, for the past 12 years I have been immersed on a path of personal development that drew me to retrain holistically and gain mind, body and spiritual techniques that allowed me to understand and align to this mission. 

For 20+ years I was on a quest for something that was missing, without being able to identify it. I moved house more than 20 times and lived in 8 countries trying to find what it was. I craved deep, authentic connection for years but felt like I was walking a solitary path, despite having many friends and love in my life.   

Many of us are on a quest to reconnect to ourselves, after all the should haves, must do’s that are constantly thrown at us. It can be hard to sift through the noise alone and know where we are going. 

But luckily it is all inside of us. We don’t need anyone to tell us what to do, we just need to be given the space for it to come back up to the surface. 

With the three powerful tools I offer, based on my personal experience and many other women, I will help you sift through the noise, see clearer and reconnect to your inner wisdom so that you can walk the  life path you truly desire. Because it is possible, it is attainable.  

Whatever the reason you are here, whether it's seeking clarity for a specific decision, connection to your energy body or just out of curiosity; I am here to tread a portion of that path with ease and introspection.

Now IT’S YOUR TIME TO BE.  It’s your time to thrive

Book a first session that appeals to you or a discovery call so we can chat about your needs and we will move forward from there. 

I can’t wait to connect with you. 



 And here go the credentials:

* Ongoing: Soul Based Coach using Clean Language technique 

* Ongoing: Women's Hormonal Health Coach with Nicole Jardim 

* Ongoing: Autodynamique Cranéosacral therapy 

* (2022) Sisterstories, Advanced Circle Facilitation Training for Circle journeys

* (2020) Sisterstories Circle facilitation Training. 

* (2021) Mindfulness for the Menstrual Cycle, Womens inner wellness. https://www.mindfulmenstrualcycle.com/

* (2020) Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction 8 week course. Mindfulness Institute London 

* (2016) Cooking for Well-Being Level 1 and Level 2 Teacher training: traditional foods for better health. With Monica Corrado, Simply Being Well. https://simplybeingwell.com/

* (2016) Upledger Institute Craniosacral Therapy Level 1 

* (2016) Certified Prenatal Kundalini Yoga teacher Certification, Happy Yoga, Cali, Colombia

* (2015) Certified Health coach: Institute for Integrative Nutrition 

* (2015) Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, Happy Yoga, Cali, Colombia

* (2013) Detoxification protocols; Tulsi School of Holistic Living, Washington, D.C

* (2013) Healing from the Core, foundation course, Suzanne Scurlock Durana

* (2012): Reflexology practitioner training; Baltimore School of reflexology. 

* (2012): Reiki Master, Tulsi School of Holistic Living, Washington, D.C

* (2011): Yin Yoga Level 1: Insight Institute, Sarah Powers


* LL.M Masters in Law, SOAS University of London, 

* Maitrise en droit, Sorbonne University Paris, 

* LL.B English and French Law, King’s College London



“I usually find it hard to trust people and did not know what to expect from the Soul-based coaching. Val had such a motherly and warm way of being I felt at ease after our first session. In the second session I was blown away with what was coming up. I’m so glad I could do this process with you. Thank you”

— Corinne, Germany

“You have such healing hands and an ethical, benevolent way of going about energy work. I feel comfortable relaxing into it fully and come out feeling restored. The added coaching during the session helped me find an answer to a problem that had been weighing on me for a while. The next day my answer appeared to me. Thank you”

— Ingrid, 43, Colombia

“I usually find it difficult to open up and to connect to other Women, but the Circle last night felt so warm and safe that I was comfortable and wanted to share. I loved listening to the shared experiences of other women.I was sad to go home!”

— Carolina, 38, Belgium


My Mission

My mission is to contribute to the web of support every woman needs for her integral well being. My deepest yearning is that in generations to come all women will live in a way that aligns to their desires and needs; and that we will have the information and tools that our foremothers were deprived of.




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The Package

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